Wednesday, June 11, 2008

This Past weekend in OC!

So this past weekend I traveled to Ocean City, MD to Dj the annual OC car show. This is a HUGE show every year that brings in about 10,000 people. This year R&B sensation Loyd performed and I closed for him while he signed autographs. I rarely get to see R&B artists perform, so I was really impressed with him. Here is a pic of him and his dancers from backstage.                                                                                       It was a reeeeally hectic weekend for me and I really didn't get to do anything fun like I usually do. Luckily Dj Face rolled down with me and kept me from losing my mind(no homo). Starting on Friday night, we both had to dj, and decided to roll down to the beach directly after work....4am! It was a rough drive, but we got to stop at SONIC for breakfast! We got to our hotel at around 9am for early check in......but that went downhill FAST! We were told that our room would NOT be ready until noon! At this point all we wanted was some shut eye, so we went back out to the car for the most miserable 2hours of sleep EVER! I finally got so frustrated that I called the hotel lobby to see if the room was ready and it was......but it gets worse! So we get the key to the room, and weave our way through the lobby, passing the HUGE parrot shitting all over the place. We opened the door to see the shittiest room EVER!!! 2 double beds wedged...and I mean WEDGED in the smallest room anyone has probably seen. I was honestly nervous about lying on the bed, but we had to get some rest. It was now noon, and we had to be at my boy Dj Gage's wedding reception/party by 2pm!!!(do you feel my pain yet?) After about an hour of sleep, I jumped in the shower which had a overlaid tub that felt like there may have been some sort of dead animal underneath of it. There were also a ton of mismatched tiles and some of the shittiest caulk work I have ever seen! After we got dressed, we ran out of there as fast as we could, and didn't even waste our time checking out!(PS- Take my advice, DO NOT stay at the Plim Plaza!!) We headed over to Gage's reception party which was absolutely beautiful, and made us forget about the shit-hole we were just in! It was at a gorgeous house on the water with all types of food and draaaanks, (don't forget we had only slept 2 solid hours) Congratulations to my homie Gage, and thank you for making us feel at home.
I was also introduced by my homie Ryan Shutt to this product called "Anti Monkey Butt". Apparently its a powder for "parts of your body" that tend to "rub together"!!

Face hiding behind my leftover "pink" margaritas!
At the end of the weekend, we finally got to unwind a little bit, so I took my homies from Kicker over to one of my favorite places in Ocean City, Fagers Island. This place has the best view, and its the best place to see the sunset! After MANY drinks on the house....we slowly started to forget about all of the mistakes(dropped food, taking forever, forgotten orders)that this place put us through!! (Sorry Tim had to put this pic up!)

1 comment:

Ian M. said...

The part that got me was the dead animal under the tub overlay. LOL! GROOOOSSkid.
