Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Wednesday in Bmore....

So last night I got a bug in my ass(NH) and decided to head out of the house for a bit. It's been quite some time since I have been out in bmore cause I'm usually in DC. I went and scooped up Ian(E Major) and Hilton and we headed over to Baltimore's hipster spot called Ottobar. It was Emily Rabbit and C. Devlin's(DJ for Spankrock) Bday jump off. We saw some familiar faces and I got to catch up with my homie Dave Nada. Be on the lookout for this dude cause he is blowing the f@#k up!!!! All in all it was a nice little change of pace and I got to hang out with my bestest homies! Can't wait for London!

Me and the homie Dave Nada

1 comment:

KiX said...

Nice shirt..... and after "my bestest" you def need a no homo.